Xproto inspired ITX case build
I love the design of Xproto open ITX case. It is sturdy and made out of thick 4mm aluminum but one issue I have with it is that all connectors are on the top.
So, I wanted to see if I could design and build a case that keeps the esthetics but is more like a normal case with all connectors at the back. The complete design can be downloaded at GrabCAD.
Unlike the Xproto which is made out of aluminum for which I had no machining or bending options, this design was made out of 3mm plexiglass. The design could be made aluminum in the future if the need arises as it would need just some minimal changes in regards to bending and position of standoffs for the motherboard to line it up with backplate cutout.
One issue is that large graphic cards will stick out of the case.
The plexiglass was cut using a laser cutter and for simplicity and symmetry (DIY bending is not that precise) all bend lines were set to 90 deg. In the picture below, spacers are missing as they were first intended to be 3D printed but at the end, several 3mm plexiglass spacers were cut and stacked to make a 2cm gap between the plates.
Later we decided to add a simple protective cover as the case will be traveling with a newly minted student of IT on his travels through the education system and some protection was needed, at least for transport.
Additional issues came up with the power supply for which mounting holes were left mirrored and we noticed it once everything was cut so the fan is pointing inward but it has over a centimeter of clearance which would be enough for the fan to pul in air. Maybe in future iterations, a cutout on the mounting plate would be added so the fan has more air but that’s for another day.
It could use some better cable management but … it’s fine :)
Hopefully, it will survive the ordeal of student life.